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Peer Review and Publication Ethics

All submissions to TAU-JIST undergo rigorous peer review by experts in the relevant fields to ensure the quality, integrity, and validity of published research.

TAU-JIST maintains a ZERO tolerance to any form of unethical act, academic fraud or misdemeanours.

  • Submission to TAU-JIST is to be made only by the corresponding author of the manuscript.
  • Fabrication and falsification of data in any way will not be condoned, incase the manuscript is published, it will be retracted immediately when discovered.
  • Plagiarism of any form is unacceptable. Manuscripts with similarity index greater than 15% will not be considered for publication.
  • Multiple submission of manuscript to TAU-JIST and other publication outlet is highly discouraged. Appropriate sanctions will be imposed on authors whose articles have been submitted simultaneously elsewhere.
  • Only authors who have made substantial contributions to the research are allowed to be listed as authors.
  • It is unethical to share relationship of any kind with the author. Editors and reviewers should decline any form of involvement in submissions in which they share relationship of any kind with any of the author or declare a conflict of interest where it is not reasonable to decline such work.
  • In case of serious ethical violations/misconduct, some of the sanctions that may be imposed by TAU-JIST may include; manuscript rejection or retraction, banning to serve as an editor or reviewer for stipulated period, author(s) may not be allowed to submit manuscript to TAU-JIST for specific period of time as the case may be, this will be determined by the editorial board.