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To address the gap in Innovation, Technology, Science, Social Science, Law and Humanities, submission of well researched papers for publication in the First Volume (First and Second Issue) is welcomed from researchers and academics within and outside the continent. The papers should address innovative, contemporary and cutting-edge issues.

All articles will be available online on Open Access basis individual digital identifiers. Manuscripts submitted to TAU-JIST should typically follow the structure of a scientific research paper, including sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Reference. Authors may also include additional sections as appropriate


To ensure that readers are assured of thorough and efficient review process, all manuscripts will undergo rigorous peer review system, thereby providing the readers with scientific knowledge through well research articles.

TAU-JIST publishes the following types of articles:

Regular Article   

Review Article   

Case Reports     

Brief Communication 

Letter to the Editor 

To ensure a seamless submission process, authors are required to comply and adhere strictly to TAU-JIST Author Guidelines

*Submission may be returned to the authors who deviates from these guidelines.

Article processing charges:

The journal is committed to providing open access to scholarly research without financial barriers for authors. There are no publication charges or fees associated with submitting manuscripts to TAU-JIST. When accepted, the APC for each manuscript published will be waived for the first volume and second volume first issue.